New CEO to Lead DSS Consulting

As of February 1, 2025, DSS Consulting’s founding owner-CEO Lajos Lukács will, as planned, hand over the reins to László Sütő, who has served as the company’s managing director until now.

kapacitástervező és munkaidő-nyilvántartó szoftver, capacity planning and time tracking software, Software zur Kapazitätsplanung und Zeiterfassung

8 Signs Indicating That You Need Capacity Planning and Time Tracking Software

When do you need a capacity planning and time tracking software? We discuss the eight warning signs In this blog post, produced in partnership with Bosch Rexroth.

DSS Consulting Signs Jmix Partnership Agreement

We have signed a partnership agreement with Haulmont, the owner of Jmix, a leading low-code software development platform for Java developers, for the following markets: Hungary, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg and the USA.
tesztautomatizálás, test automation, Testautomatisierung

Test Automation: More Efficiency, Fewer Bugs

Today, test automation is becoming more and more important - in our blog post we have summarized its key areas, benefits and how DSS Consulting supports its clients in testing.
értékesítés-menedzsment és üzleti tervezés

Sales Management and Business Planning on Any Platform

Sales management and business planning cannot be handled easily on paper or in Excel - an easy-to-use, yet versatile and flexible software is the solution.
előre tervezhető karbantartás, maintenance in a predictable way

Maintenance in a Predictable Way

The risks of not carrying out maintenance include machinery running slow, increased production costs, unplanned downtime, it can even result in damage to the machinery or even serious personal injury. This is where software can help manufacturers perform maintenance in a predictable way.
microsoft power platform

Microsoft Power Platform: Fast and Efficient Application Development

Microsoft Power Platform provides fast and efficient help in application development, even to users less familiar with coding. But how do we at DSS use it?
AI-támogatott adattranszformáció

AI-enabled Data Transformation: Routine Tasks, Automated

A common feature of our many solutions based on AI-enabled data transformation is that AI is used to produce structured data from unstructured data that meets specific criteria.
ipari folyamatszervezés, industrial workflow management

Industrial Workflow Management Made Simple

Industrial workflow management is a prerequisite for efficient and economical production. Neither Excel, nor a paper-based solution will do the job - an easy-to-use, versatile industrial workflow management solution will be necessary.

Using AI in Industrial Digitalization

In an earlier blog post we discussed how we at DSS Consulting use ChatGPT in general, how it helps our development efforts. Let us now demonstrate the use of AI in industrial digitalization through a specific project.